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I have a multidisciplinary background spanning micro- & nanotechnology, physics, materials science and biosciences. Life sciences have always been of particular interest to me which is why I focus on using my expertise to provide technological solutions within this field.

After finishing my master’s degree in Physics and Nanotechnology at the Technical University of Denmark, I joined the Copenhagen-based MedTech company BluSense Diagnostics as an R&D Engineer. As part of the Microfluidic Cartridge Team, I helped developing a rapid diagnostic platform for detection of infectious diseases at the point of care.

Within ENHPATHY, the interdisciplinary collaboration is especially exciting to me and I am thrilled to play a part in this with the development of a droplet microfluidic platform. I appreciate the well-rounded training that is part of the ENHPATHY program and look forward to the contributions that we, as the consortium, will make to our understanding of the well-orchestrated molecular mechanisms enhancers are involved in, and how malfunction can lead to enhanceropathies.

Speaking of well-orchestrated: I am very passionate about music and enjoy playing my piano, guitar, bass, ukulele and, as of late, also the trumpet in my free time.

My research project

Microfluidic systems for encapsulation of molecular complexes (WP2)

Conventional methods used to interrogate enhancer function are insensitive to cell-to-cell variations and only reflect population-level views. Droplet microfluidics, on the other hand, enables high-throughput single-cell encapsulation and thus allows to study enhancer function at single-cell resolution.

The aim of this project at Elvesys is to develop systems based on droplet microfluidics that aid various other groups within the ENHPATHY consortium in studying enhancer function at single-cell resolution. State-of-the-art microfluidic instruments will be employed to obtain systems enabling automated, high-throughput droplet production with precise control over droplet size. Moreover, droplet production on these systems will be highly parallelized, further increasing throughput for single-cell encapsulation.

Finally, the commercialization potential of aforementioned systems will be investigated. Ideally, this project results in a commercially available microfluidic system that can be customized, is easy to use (“plug and play”) and enhances or simplifies research in the field of single-cell omics, including the study of enhanceropathies.


My publications